+Don’t Just imagine it come experience it
Escorts, Massage
$100 For FaceTime show

Classy and beautiful companionship
Slixa has verified that the photos marked with these blue badges
are accurate representations of Lystra joe.
Photo Verified Entertainer
Photo verified since Sep 2024
My bubbly and upbeat personality will keep you entertained and intrigued! Many have stated I am addictive, just let you be warned.It is my pleasure to always do my utmost to ensure the time we spend together is as enjoyable and pleasurable as possible for you. There is nothing I love more than seeing a wonderful gentleman enjoying himself in my company

Lystra joe is a 5'3" 26 year old caucasian / latina woman with medium length black hair and black eyes.
She is available for Male, and Couples.
- Longer Dates
- Travel and Exploring
- People ;)
- Beautiful Lingerie and shopping.
- Yoga, kayaking, and hiking
- Learning golf
- Fine Dinning
- Wine, Champagne & Gin
1 Hour $400
2 Hour $800
3 Hour $1100
20% deposit required
- +1 312-509-7709
- lystrajoe300@View
- +1 227-256-9703 What's app
- your address book (vcard)
- your smartphone (QR code)
Scan the following QR code with your smartphone to view or save Lystra joe's contact information: